Mobile gaming continues to advance, and within the past few years, smartphones have gained in capability and function to play top-rated games. Enjoy video, casino, and social games with an app or web browser. While the option for gaming has increased, the smoothness of gameplay is still in question. If you are going to spend a great deal of time on your device, you want a smartphone that works best for gaming. Is Android or iOS better for gaming?
If you are questioning both device types, look at the features below to decide which will be best for you. We focused on gaming to provide those in need of entertainment with optimal details.
App Selection and Store Access
Apple and Android devices are different, with each having a separate operating system. Both brands have a store where apps can be downloaded for free or at a small cost. Games are plentiful, with many similar options as well as unique standouts.
Each store is expanded on a regular basis to offer more games and options. The Google Play Store has over 2.3 million apps, and more than 440,000 are games. Apple includes even more, with 3.5 million apps and over 980,000 games. If you are looking for a larger selection of games, then iOS is your best bet. Though with so many choices, you would be hard-pressed to look at every single game in your lifetime unless you have a lot of time on your hands!
It’s important to note that some brands do not include an Apple app if you are playing casino games. You would need to use the web browser to access titles when an app is unavailable. To find out your options, we suggest you utilize the services of an online casino review site as which provides insight into which brands are best and offers an Android and iOS application.
Gaming Subscriptions
If you are an avid gamer, you know that Apple and Android offer online subscription services for games. You can choose from hundreds of games and play any time for a monthly fee. Android offers Google Play Pass, and Apple features Apple Arcade. Which is the better option for players?
Both cost $4.99 per month, but Google Play Pass is only $29.99 per year, while Apple Arcade is $49.99 a year. Google Play Pass is connected to over 800 games, while the Apple version only offers over 200 titles. The remainder of the subscription service features are comparable, so the main difference is the number of games. If you want more, go with Android for your subscription needs.
Which Device Runs Better?
If you are playing games on your smartphone, you want the device to run smoothly. iOS devices have a demanding interface and will require a lot of power to function. This can take away from your game run needs and lead to issues.
Android devices tend to offer better specs and have a cheaper price point. You could easily purchase an older Android for less money and enjoy a quality gaming experience. Apple devices have a high price point for the same specs and you would need to continue purchasing the latest model for the best experience.
Overall, it comes down to how much you want to pay and what you get for your money. Consider all your options before investing, as you are likely to pay several hundred dollars for a new device.
Select What Works Best for You
Deciding between Android and iOS devices is an age-old argument. Many people select their device type based on what they like best rather than considering specs, pricing, and operation. If you are a gamer, you might want to consider Android, in our opinion, because you will spend less, get a quality operating machine, and have access to a large list of games.
You have a bigger game selection in the Apple App Store overall, but Google’s Play Pass gives you a ton of content for almost half the price of the yearly Apple subscription. Make a list of the features you need in a smartphone to help you narrow down the choice. With a little time and effort, you can find the right device that works for you!