Many people are interested in using bluestacks alternatives since you get to try Android applications on your PC as you can play games or use it for purposes like testing. Even If you use a Mac or iOS-based device, you can take benefit from Android through virtualisation made possible using an emulator that replicates everything. The primary function of an Android emulator is to run your preferred Android applications on your laptop/desktop devices. It is very easy to use an emulator on a windows PC whether you are using Windows 7 or Windows 8 or even Windows 10.
From the many emulators available, Bluestacks can be considered as ideal for Mac and Windows OS. But since Bluestacks can get slow at times and also lag on certain machines, it is always good to look for its alternatives. In this post, we share the list of working Bluestacks alternatives suitable for running Android apps on your desired devices whether its windows or MAC.
15 Best Bluestacks Alternatives For Windows and Mac
1. Andy
Are you seeking a lightweight and great Android emulator for your personal computer, Andy is a perfect choice for needs. It is well-known for its unique features, including mobile application sync, cloud saves, mic, and camera integrating, great support for PlayStation, Xbox, etc. The app is capable of working as the touchscreen controller to connect to the mobile device. This free tool is available on the official portal that supports only Windows 8 and 7. It is because this tool is created, especially for working with Windows 7.1. It not only focuses on gaming but also comes with a organised and clean interface.
Download Andy Here
2. YouWave
It is the best Android Emulator for Windows PC because it equips your device to bring your excellent Android Experience. This Bluestacks alternative is suitable for various versions of Windows that range from 8.1, 8, and 7 to Windows XP. The topmost feature of this tool is that it supports both 64-bit and 32-bit architectures. Apart from that, it brings excellent support for your multi-player games online. In short, YouWave is offering an array of useful resources for the Android platform to increase user satisfaction. These impressive features make it one of the best alternatives to the Bluestacks.
Download Youwave here
3. Dolphin emulator
It is one of the Android emulators that come with all features of BlueStacks. Most fundamentally, it is greater than the existing version to a certain extent. This best feature makes it suitable for running Nintendo, GameCube, Wii, and others on your personal computer. It offers a high-quality definition to the users for better android experience on their PC. You can use this emulator on major platforms such as Mac, Windows, and even Linux. Naturally, it is an open-source emulator that will generally emulate all Android games and applications on your PC. It is the most stable and fastest emulator well-recognized for its superior quality graphics.
Download Dolphin emulator here
4. GenyMotion
This Android emulator supports both OpenGL and hardware accelerators like Bluestacks. By using this facility, you can make use of the additional power of GPU or graphics on your computer. In short, both apps and games on PC now function correctly when you use this excellent alternative. It can run all kinds of latest Android applications and games on your computer. It is pleasing news for PC users that this emulator is available for free. This version does not contain any ads, so users never quickly get bored with this tool. With this emulator, you can remap your keyboards or game controller support.
Download Genymotion here
5. Nox Player
If you are looking for the most leading alternative for BlueStacks, Nox Player is an apt choice for you. The unique thing about this tool is that it focuses hugely on gaming. It means that gaming lovers expect several gaming-related features from this emulator. It ranges from controller support to gameplay optimization. Favourably, this tool has everything which users required for taking their gameplay experience to a completely new level. Another exceptional feature of this tool is that it supports the gamepad, mouse, and keyboard of a computer. It enables you to express the gaming experience even on the PC.
Download Nox Player here
6. KoPlayer
In this New Year, everyone wants to try to finest and nicely working Android emulator. For meeting your precise needs, KoPlayer comes with beneficial emulating features. With this tool, you can run all kinds of Android games as well as applications without facing any complications. By focusing hugely on mobile gaming, this emulator brings various gaming features. It includes controller support, gameplay recording, key mapping, and much more. They are created to bring you an exceptional experience while enjoying your beloved games on the laptop or PC. You can run tons of android applications on the laptop for entirely free with this emulator.
Download koplayer here
Interesting Read For Gamers: Best GBA emulators for PC
7. Droidx Official
It is really exciting to enjoy the best functionality from the free BlueStacks alternative. If you want to get that benefit, you can make use of Droidx. It is a specialized emulator suitable for emulating all Android games and also applications on your PC. Even this emulator is free, but it has a pretty clean interface. Apart from that, this Android emulator lets users download any games or apps directly like BlueStacks. It is accessible for both Mac and Windows versions. This tool is easy to use and an ideal Bluestacks alternative for all Android users.
Download Droidx here
8. ARC Welder
This emulator is designed uniquely to run all standard Android applications on your laptop with APK files. Unlike Bluestacks, it is the extension that anyone can use it for free. The only thing users need to do is add this extension on their browser. It let users run/test the standard applications on their Android devices. It is helpful, particularly when you are working on the internet platform with your browser. As an extension, it makes the process of running standard applications quicker and convenient.
Download ARC Welder here
Do you want to use the new Android emulator for Windows? AMIDuOS is an ideal choice for your needs. The most specific feature of this emulator is that it enables users to open their desktop mobile games and applications quickly. Also, it facilitates various peripheral controls like cameras, microphones, hardware acceleration, speakers, and OpenGL. This tool is available in both premier and free versions. Hence, you can now enjoy the complete functionality of AMIDuOS for free of charge. You can also check out the best dreamcast emulators if you are fan of Sega’s Gameboy Advance console.
Download AMIDuOS here
10. Remix OS
If you want to use a unique Android emulator, you can consider Remix OS. This incredibly capable application is ready to bring users with a tailored experience of their desktop while booking into a single operating system running Android. Also, users can utilize the compact USB drive or hard disk for installing this emulator and boot from it on many computers. As the gaming emulator, it allows you to try new and awesome with fully tedious controls. It brings multi-tasking ability for users to play two games at a time.
Download Remix OS here
11. Leapdroid
Leapdroid is excellent software that allows you to run android apps on the Windows PC. The main highlight of this tool is that it permits users to create several emulator profiles easily. As a result, you can play/load similar games when you are logged-in from different accounts. With this emulator, you can get access to touch gestures that are mapped for keys on the keyboard. Overall, the specialized features of this tool make it ideal for meeting your needs of utilizing the Android emulator.
Download LeapDroid here
12. Limbo PC
It is another highly preferred Android emulator that runs on the older Windows versions such as Windows 7, Windows XP, and more. The nice part of this app is that it runs on Linux distributions and also the Ubuntu version. If you want to use the lightweight and exceptional Android emulator on your desktop computers, you can utilize this app. It is because Limbo PC supports an extensive range of games as well as applications. Hence, this emulator is a perfect alternative to the BlueStacks emulator.
Download Limbo PC here
13. MEmu Play
If you seek for an exceptional Android emulating tool, you can prefer MEmu Play. This tool gains more fame among people due to its most exceptional features. They can make it the most stable and best android emulators present online. The most exceptional part of this emulator tool is that it brings support to both Intel CPU and AMD. Apart from that, it can smoothly run all apps and games without creating any hassles.
Download MEmu play here
14. Bliss
It is not an emulator tool for Android. It is because Bliss works as a virtual machine. The unique thing about this tool is that it allows the system to run Android from a boot. It means that this tool supports all types of Android games and applications. Similar to the installation of every virtual machine on your Windows system, using Bliss is tedious. It is helpful to know that it can still be considered as the best and useful emulator for your various needs.
Download Bliss Here
15. ARChon
It is somewhat different from other Android emulators given in this list. Unlike traditional emulators, it installs in the form of a Google Chrome extension. It runs the Android games and apps on the browser. It is significant to know that this tool only supports old games and apps. Hence, it is not suitable for running the latest games and applications. Still, this extension is a highly preferred tool for Chrome to emulate Android games as well as apps.
Download ARChon here
Now you can choose any from the best bluestacks alternatives and start to emulate android apps. We tried running all above listed alternatives of bluestacks on windows and also used bluestacks on mac and found all of them work almost in a similar way with noticeable difference between the speeds.