Technology is a wonderful thing and many of us benefit from its advances every single day in ways that we don’t even realize. Cars are safer than they were 10 years thanks to technology, washing machines are more efficient and we can even see who is at our front door without needing to get off the sofa! However, as well as day to day changes thanks to technology there are some industries that are seeing massive changes thanks to innovation so what might we see in 2022?
Changes to Gambling Legislations
Anyone involved in the gambling industry will be well used to changes in legislation happening on a semi-regular basis. The UK Gambling Commission tend to keep a close eye on gambling trends and how people are placing bets so that they can ensure regulations keep up and are the right ones in place to keep everyone safe. The UK government is also constantly reviewing iGaming regulations – casinos, betting sites, bingo and high payout slot games are subject to government monitoring and are tightly regulated. This year we’re likely to see changes around the way gambling can be advertised and promoted, as well as things like affordability checks being put into place.
We all know that the likes of social media has changed how many of us find out about new products so it was only a matter of time before the UK Gambling Commission and the Advertising Standards Agency caught up with this.
The Introduction of ID for Social Media
It has been a long ongoing discussion, but the idea of introducing photo ID checks in order to open an account on a social media platform has reared its head again. There are plenty of people that feel in order to have a Twitter account or to be able to create videos on TikTok you should need to show photo ID so you can verify who you are. Currently, you’re able to open an account on any social media platform using pretty much any details you want and start sharing your content immediately. Although this doesn’t necessarily need to be an issue, those in favour of photo ID for social media say that it allows people to be abusive on these platforms and troll others. It is thought that by having to verify who you are before you join any such platform you’ll be put off from being abusive because you can easily be traced and punished.
However, those against the need to show photo ID to open accounts say that it is going to make social media inaccessible to those that don’t have photo ID; for example non-drivers or those that don’t have a fixed address. There is no denying that dealing with trolling and abuse on social media should be dealt with more efficiently than it currently is, but is photo ID the answer?
Whether or not we’ll see the introduction of ID for social media in 2022 remains to be seen, but we do know that it is a debate that is going to continue throughout the year & probably beyond.
The Regulation of Cryptocurrency
Cryptocurrency is largely unregulated currently in the UK, but as it continues to increase in popularity in the UK this is something that may well change. For example, we may see a need for Cryptocurrency apps and websites to be regulated, so that those using them can feel safe in doing so. For example, people know that using a gambling website in the UK is a safe bet because it will be licensed and therefore they can feel confident they are getting a fair and safe chance of winning. There isn’t anything in place at the moment which means that if people aren’t doing the proper research then they are at risk of falling foul of Cryptocurrency apps that aren’t legitimate – and there really isn’t much they can do it about it currently. Of course, Cryptocurrency is loved by many because of its unregulated and untraceable nature so the way this is handled will need to be correctly and gently so as not to disrupt the industry, but there is likely plenty of technology that can be put in place that will keep everyone safe.
Microtransactions within Gaming Being Overhauled
Microtransactions are a relatively new addition to the world of gaming, but they are something that are becoming more popular. It is hard to say when they first started to become a popular addition, but the fact that Fifa had them in their 2021 game certainly helped. Microtransactions can appear in different ways in games – but for example, they allow people to spend real money to earn digital goods that can make completing the game quicker or easier. You don’t have to have these in order to complete it but they can be positioned in such a way that it can be hard to resist.
The issue currently with these is that they’re not regulated in the same way as traditional gambling games are. However, they do involve spending real money for the chance to win digital goods of various values, so there is some argument for them being a type of gambling. Of course, you also have the fact that those under 18 play lots of the games where microtransactions are present & therefore should the option to gamble even be allowed? There isn’t anything set in stone with regards to microtransactions regulation coming into play but it is in discussion with the UK Government and various professional bodies so it could well be something that we see introduced later this year.
How Technology is Shaping Our Future
The truth is that none of us knows exactly what changes we’ll see in the future, or how technology will change things for us long term. We’re probably a while away from flying cars but without a doubt, many industries are already benefiting from some pretty forward-thinking technology and that isn’t something likely to change anytime soon!