70 is the magic number in World of Warcraft Dragonflight. That’s the point when you reach the max level in the Dragon Isles and things really start to get interesting and challenging in equal measure.
Plenty of gamers take advantage of services offered by the likes of Kboosting, for instance, to help level up your character in the most efficient way possible. That can help you to reach the endgame and learn some tips and tricks for the future at the same time.
Once you get to that critical point in the game you have to be smart about what you do next. The reason for that is the activities you and challenges you pursue will ultimately determine how powerful your character is. It will also prove influential in your quest to survive in the Dragon Isles.
Here is a guide to help you have the most fun and get the best results once you have leveled up and are ready for the ultimate endgame experience.
What to expect?
Some of the activities that are designed to help make your character as strong and powerful as possible are only available on a week-to-week basis. That means you have to prioritize certain actions and take advantage of situations when they appear.
You will feel a sense of excitement and anticipation when you take your first tentative steps into Heroic Dungeons, and you should be relishing the prospect of getting immersed in world quests.
You will always need to think about how you are going to be charming the four new factions that are a feature of this part of the game. They are Dragonscale Expedition, Iskaara Tuskaar, Valdrakken Accord, and Maruuk Centaur.
It’s going to be full-on. If your intention is to launch a raid when the Vault of Incarnates unlocks you are going to have to bring your A-game.
It’s all about the preparation
Success in a game like WoW involves a certain amount of planning and preparation for what lies ahead at each step. Reaching level 70 and making the most of the next phase requires a certain amount of preparation.
A good starting point would be to earn yourself 500 reputation points. Your first priority should be to pick up the weekly quest in Valdrakken called Aiding the Accord.
Complete Aiding the Accord and you have got yourself a useful 500 reputation points for all factions. In addition, you also get awarded a piece of 350 item level equipment plus some other bonus items.
This quest is not dissimilar to Patterns Within Patterns or Shaping Fate. If you are familiar with these you should be in a good place to tackle Aiding the Accord.
Another tip to remember when it comes to making the most of your opportunities is to take advantage of the weekly holiday event quest is one for world quests. Your reward for doing this will be to get an extra level of Renown based on the faction you choose.
Earning enough Renown unlocks inscription recipes for contracts. Try to unlock these as soon as possible after you hit the max level of 70.
Your next focus is on professions
You will notice that professions also have weekly quests. The truth is that you will need to be prepared for a bit of grinding to earn these. However, the reward is worth it as you will be able to use the 50 skill points on offer to open the door to all available quests.
It might be possible at this point to pick up Draconic Treatise and earn a point in profession knowledge if you have an inscriptionist friend. This is also feasible if you have gold for the auction house.
The need for speed
Hopefully, you were able to pick up all of the available Dragon Glyphs during your efforts to get to level 70. If you didn’t manage to get them all it would be a good idea to prioritize that now before you go any further.
The reason for this is that when you have the max number of Dragon Glyphs this will give you the ability to move around the island at speed without having to land at any point.
Expect to take at least 30 minutes to cover all four glyphs in their zones if you haven’t got these already. You will be required to spend talent points while doing this and be fully aloft for the duration.
You can review your dragonriding talent tree together with your faction reputations by clicking on the dragon button on your minimap.
Do you need to amass more gear?
The answer to that question will usually depend on what sort of level of player you are and how proficient you have been in collecting gear up to this point.
If you are a player with a fairly high degree of competency and proficiency you are probably okay for gear and that means you can focus your attention on some other tasks.
One idea would be to spend some time doing the Glory of the Dungeon Hero achievement. This could be in a second Mythic 0 tour, or you could tackle the first of these if you are diligent or patient enough.
If you are not quite so proficient and could do with accumulating some more gear you could have a go at Heroic or Normal dungeons, and level up professions. All of these actions will help you to amass more gear.
This is also a good time to get started on repeatable content.
You can complete Mythic 0 or Regular Mythic dungeons once a week. It might also be worthwhile taking a tour of all eight available dungeons if you have some time on your hands.
These dungeons to tour are Algeth’ar Academy, The Azure Vault, Brackenhid Hollow, Halls of Infusion, The Nokhud Offensive, Neltharus, and Uldaman- Legacy of Tyr.
What about leveling an alt?
One of the rewards for hitting level 70 is that all of your alt characters are automatically primed and ready to access Adventure Mode automatically.
If Adventure Mode has a familiar feel to it that would be that it is quite similar to Shadowlands Threads of Fate. You will be able to tackle the relevant zones in any order you like and world quests are also open as soon as hitting the Dragon Isles.
Even though this is available to you there are good reasons for hanging fire before leveling an alt. Hitting Renown reputation checkpoints 10 and 20 on your main character you will find that your alts will earn Renown at virtually double the speed of lower Renown levels.
The benefit of this scenario is that the additional Renown with a faction triggers the opening up of profession recipes. That’s not all. You also get dragonriding customization options, mounts, toys, transmog appearances, and the chance to access more treasure and world quests. This is a lot of bang for your buck, and a good reason for leveling an alt.
What are your top priorities when reaching dragonflight endgame?
There are some key actions and tasks that you should aim to tick off once you have hit the magic number 70 and reached the endgame. Finishing the storyline would be a good thing to do. It is likely that you might have scaled the heights and reached level 70 without actually completing the main storyline.
Finishing the storyline can be viewed as very important because it helps you gain a reputation with the various factions that are present throughout the Dragon Isles. Reputation leveling is something already highlighted as one of your must-do tasks.
Progressing in the reputation is going to unlock more World Quests. It also creates the potential for gear rewards and other rewards too.
This is a part of the game where a boosting service might come in handy. It can be a bit tiresome and time-consuming leveling the reputation all by yourself. Getting a bit of boosting help at this point will get your factions to max level in no time at all.
Enjoy the dungeon content experience
Who doesn’t enjoy the dungeons? They are widely viewed as a real fun aspect of the World of Warcraft experience. You won’t be disappointed with the dungeon content experiences that await you in Dragonflight.
A particular highlight is being able to watch people getting splashed back by waves when you are approaching the end of the Halls of Infusion dungeon. Having reached level 70 you have earned yourself the right to have some fun by enjoying some heroic dungeon content at this point in the game.
You won’t be short of things to do when you reach the endgame in Dragonflight. It has got elements that will satisfy all gamers, regardless of whether your preference is to be a raider or a PvPer.
One final point to consider. You always have the option of using a boosting service to cover processes that you are not that focused on or when you are short of time and want to continue making progress. Reaching the endgame is viewed by many as the beginning of lots of new adventures and experiences.