Contribute to Our Site – Technology, Business, Software, Digital Marketing, Gaming
If you have landed here, we are assuming you came here to know if there’s an opportunity to write a guest post for us. The Answer is YES but we follow certain guidelines that you will have to adhere to.
Contributing articles helps us to share something valuable with our users and also helps you increase your brand awareness and gives visibility to your web property.
You can write for us technology, business, gadgets, apps, SAAS, marketing and more on [email protected]
Benefits of Guest Posting for Whatsontech
Improves Brand awareness: When you submit a guest post for us. You are not just writing an article but adding value to your own brand and the whole community in general.
Enhances the Website’s Authority: We respect and are always up to give any credible piece of information with the backlinks it deserves and when we do so, it helps you and us both improve our website in google search.
Benefit in Organic Traffic: When you publish high quality blogposts on authority websites then you get a share of the link juice and eventually your own property gets Google attention for keywords leading to better organic traffic.
Improves your link profile background: When you connect with bloggers then you create a relationship with them that also leads to more opportunities of having a powerful link profile.
Technology Write For Us – What Categories do we accept?
- Write For Us On Technology Related Topics : With things like new wearables, VPNs health tracking devices or just the latest iOS or Android update, we are open to all such news and posts.
- Product/App Launches: As our name suggests, we are always excited about new product launches and the latest updates and upgrades.
- Cloud, Big Data, Security, VPNs: These are the next big thing in the world of tech, With so much amount of data, there are multiple things happening everyday in the world of cloud computing and big data. If you want to share anything about security then we are all ears.
- SAAS Products & Softwares : SAAS is like an arsenal that gets so many things and can solve problem in multiple dimensions of tech, we believe such softwares should be shared.
- How To Articles: If you know the art of simplfying a complex thing by your How To guides then we can help you multiply your voice.
- Write For Us On Business Related Topics: We run our own web based domains as a business and know how important of a role does it play in the economy.
- Write For Us On Digital Marketing Related Topics: There is so much happening everyday in the field of digital marketing, a new social platform is launching almost every month. We love to keep our audience updated with such news. Write For Us SEO is also another very interesting topic.
- Write For Us On Gadgets Related Topics: There’s a different joy in trying out a new app that empowers you, it’s similar to opening a new gadget for the very first time. We are always curious to know how it will help our users.
- Product Reviews: if there is any product that is either software based of physical based. As far as it solves a problem and makes our live easier. We will always love to share it.
- Top 10’s and Top 20’s: There are many skilled people who have expertise in something or the other and we want to help them share their tips and tricks with our world.
Guest Post Guidelines
We receive a ton of requests daily and truth be told, we don’t accept all guest post requests. Infact, we have to reject most of them. The reason is simple, they don’t follow our guidelines so if you are reading, do read the rest of the section carefully. This will ensure your post is published on Whatsontech!
Must Do’s
- Content should be at least 1000 words and free from any grammatical errors
- Content should be unique and copyscape free. We mean 100% copyscape free here.
- The title should be click-worthy and less than 70 characters
- Make sure to add high authority links in the article that add value
- Do not force feed articles with unnecessary keyword optimization
- Add minimum 3 high quality copyrights free image
- If accepted, add 1-2 links of your own website
- Submit articles in Google Doc or Word format(PDFs will be rejected immediately)
- In the Subject line, mention Guest Content: Followed by title of the article.
Strict Don’ts
- Check our website thoroughly since we won’t publish duplicate content, Either frame your article in a unique way or change the angle.
- Irrelevant topics are not accepted.
How to submit your article?
Submit a Guest Post on Technology, Business, Finance, Digital Marketing, Social Networks, Tech News, Gaming and more on
We are always open to bloggers and publishers that are looking for a mutually beneficial long term relationship.
Our Process
- Connect with us at our ID [email protected] and share your topic and some previous samples
- Share all the necessary details
- We check mailbox daily and revert to the opportunities that are a mutual fit
Before sending us an email. Make sure you have read our do’s and don’ts section thoroughly. Whether you are a blogger or a PR brand of a marketing agency for a product company. We understand the need to reach a wider audience and also how guest posting can help elevate the growth of your website. When you work with us, you can understand the authority and the reach we have just by the domain name. Our team is always at work to share the most latest and the best update of what’s happening in the world of tech.